I conduct this outreach to you in english, because I noticed that you did not utilize the oppertunity to learn the beautifull and characterfull language, Afrikaans. Therefor, you must excuse my inability to commit english in a way the queen would have done. I do believe, that though I am not as competent as you in perfect english, you will comprehend what I share with you here.
Therefor, sit back. Relax. Open up your spirit and mind to the outreacht from a brother, who respects you as a equaly created creation, and rest assured, although you may not believe it, I know that Father had a good reason, when He decided to provide that you and me, would have the priviledge to meet each other so many years later.
Firstly, I take the opportunity to assure you that from my side, you are forgiven for all the rude and even rasistic things you uttered upon a variety of people on the premises. Also, for your misbehaviour, especialy in the month of May even upon the children and the dogs. I can asure you that from my side, you are forgiven. If I did not, I would not be firgiven by Father Yahwe Himself, for all my sins in a lifetime.
I am sure that you do know, that always being negative and rude, is in no way good for your health and welbeïng. Beïng a equaly created creation, formed and made by Father Himself, I do wish you to be happy and have a fulfilled life. Under current circumstances and behaviour, there is no way that I can see or believe that my brother can realy be fulfilled and happy. And that, is something I am very concerned about.
So, now that you are relaxed and knows that this boertjie-brother cares about you, as I share a part of my heart with you.
You told me a lot of times, that you yourself, chose not to open your heart to the salvation, although you had so may oppertunities. You have the excuse that you grew up in a comunist country and had a lot of stress in the war. You did not have the oppertunity to learn thet Father Yahwe, loves you and that He allowed His Son Jesus, to shed His blood, so that me and you, could inherrit salvation. If you claim that you are not able to believe in the great future Father has for you, you are jeopardising
Because Father forgave me for all my transgretions, It is my pleasure not to keep any of those blasphemous things you said unto me, against you, because my forgiveness for my sins was in total. So who am I, dear brother, to keep anything against any other brother or sister, if Jesus blood provided the guarantee before Father, to free me from all of my sins. If I do not forgive those that I could believe in in debt with me, Father has the fullest right to refuse me, forgiveness. So, take my word of total forgiveness towards you, knowing that it is deeply meant, and out of the heart.
I noticed your actions on Tuesday 26 May 2020, and was able to read between your lines, that there was external situations, that caused you to direct your secondary anger towards due to external situations, towards those, that realy had no role to play in the cause of your behaviour. But, although it was noticed with sadness, I will also not keep this misbehaviour against you, for I am so blessed to know, that there is nothing healing in keeping memories and grudges.
Therfor, rest in the peace, that your Boertjie-brother do respect you as a equal brother, with no grudges.
With this assurance be given upon you, I now need to urge you to take the oppertunity that you still have, to repair relations with all of the other people in your life and strive towards harmony. Above all, athough you claim to have grown up without the gospel of Jesus's salvation, you are blessed with the oppertunity to know the gospel of Jesus Christ. The fact that so many of your family in Bulgeria do not know this truth, makes you especialy blessed, to the one, who have this oppertunity. And the moment you accept His grace and forgiveness, you will have a burning urge of going to Bulgeria, and share this good news, with all of those co-bulgerians, who did not have the oppertunity to know. You can change lives. Are you willing?
This new-found freedom of yours, will also make it easy for you, to go and have a coffee with Philip, Ronel, and the children, and appologise hoestly towards them for the hasty and degrading hings, that you said upon them over a long time. And after your appology to them, you will experience so much real peace in your mind, and so much more blessings, that you will know, that you did the right thing.
Your caring Boertjie brother, Stof.
© Stof 2020/04/26 |
Stof se bedieningswerf: www.leroleng.co.za |
Stof se algemene webwerf: www.stof.co.za |
Gesels met Stof |
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